Sunday, November 6, 2011

Squirrel and Doubling Point Lights

Another long spell without a post, sorry folks. I was given a tip from a friend (thanks Steve) that Arrowsic Me. is chock full of light houses. These are placed along the Kennebec River to help the already difficult task of navigating upstream to port. So far The kids and I have done two Doubling Point Light and Squirrel Point Light. Doubling Point Light turned out as it was described to me, easy to get to and a beauty. It turns out it is hard to photograph (for me anyway) And Squirrel Point Light took me three tries and four deer ticks to get to, do to my unfamiliarity with the trails. We did about 2.5 miles of the Bald Head trail twice then when I realized my mistake we went the right way and lost the trail but blazed our way to the light! We then found the trail ... and our mistake. I have to go back to both of these lights because they are a challenge. I am going to start with Squirrel Point Light. It is the only one I have seen (so far) with red glass then a couple of Doubling Point Light. I hope you enjoy them. Feel free to leave a comment.

This was the first glimpse of Squirrel Point Light, I knew right away it was worth the hikes.


1 comment:

  1. As I wrote in the forum, those lighthouse windows are cool. Actually, I said that they were nice and warm, but that's cool . . .
